Redefine your definition of “Perfect”


You are unique and one of a kind and that is the definition of “Perfect”.

Growing up in today’s world it is hard to not compare yourself to others. We are constantly scrolling through social media, TV channels and magazines wishing we had something another person has. I can’t lie and say I don’t have a secret Pinterest board (or two) labeled “fitspiration” or one full of beauty hacks.

To be perfect does not mean comparing yourself to others and what they have versus what you don’t.

Recently, I have started to look at others and myself the way He looks at us and I advise you to also.

God did not create you based off of the image of one of the Kardashian’s or a Victoria Secret Model. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all gorgeous and rock what they have. But God created you based off of HIS image and sometimes we get caught up in trying to be someone else.

To be perfect is to use every God-given ability you were blessed with. Stop comparing yourself to certain people’s Instagram photos or amount of followers they have. I would be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes scroll through my newsfeed and have come across a few selfies wishing I had better hair or cuter clothes like her. It’s human nature to compare. However, God does not want you to have jealousy or envy in your heart towards yourself or others.

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Proverbs 14:30

You were specifically created to be YOU. He did not create you to be someone else. God did not spend time on you so you could live someone else’s life.

Stop trying to be perfect by putting yourself down or others down. Your unique abilities and features are perfect because God created them.

Therefore, you are perfect and so is every single other person who realizes the definition of “perfect” is owning what He has blessed you with.

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