He is constant but I am not

Ever since I could remember I have craved a relationship with God.  My family and peers believe, I’ve been to church and I’ve prayed for years on end. I feel and see Him everywhere.

However, I can’t help but not be constant in my relationship with Him.

When times are really really good, I forget to pray and thank Him. It seems like when times are at an all time low is when I seek His guidance and love. There is nothing wrong with seeking comfort in Him while I’m down, however, I want to still have a relationship with Him while I feel on top of the world.

I want to remember to thank him every day when things are so unbelievably good for I know it’s His doing.

I want to be able to hear Him every day leading me where I am needed.

I crave a conversation with Him, but struggle knowing how to start it and open my ears and heart to listen.

I still believe, I pray and know He is there. I just want to be absolutely and completely emerged in His love, in good times and bad. I want to remember to pray and thank Him for my amazing parents and family and so much more.

So here’s my advice to those struggling with the same thing…

  1. Pray.

Pray every single day. Make it a routine.

Start by praying every night before going to sleep. Thank Him for the day. Thank Him for being present in your life.

    2.  Keep a journal just for you and Him.

Write down your questions, concerns, wins and losses for the day.  You will begin to see how He has answered your questions and has worked in your life.

    3.  Talk to Him while doing simple things

While you’re driving to work every day, while you’re grocery shopping, whatever you do, try and talk to Him. Like any relationship, you need conversation to thrive. He is there to listen and He is there to speak to you if you choose to hear Him.

I will continue to struggle with my relationship with God, but I pray that I can continue to work on being constant with Him.

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